Plastic Processing Project
Drop off your household plastics! We currently have a precious plastic shredder in operation to turn your plastic into shreds. Our extruder machine is still not running as we need help finding someone to hook it all up. The extruder will melt the plastic shreds into filaments that fit into 3D printing machines.
We have one person on staff to run the shredder and we are currently looking for another person to supervise. Are you interested in joining as a staff person? Please email edyproject@outlook.com to learn more.
We are also hiring for summer staff! Are you a youth around Coronach interested in developing your leadership skills and getting involved in local environmental protection and community development work? Email us at edyproject@outlook.com today :D
Neighbours getting together
We are a group of people living in Coronach who are interested in creating new jobs and starting community projects that help support Coronach.
New members are always welcome! The EDY Community Development Cooperative is run by 5-10 directors that are voted in every three years from the membership. Each member has one vote, every opinion matters.
Do you have a passion project you have always wanted to start but didnt know how? Let us know, we can help you get started
Updates on Projects
Track our progress in the various community projects we are working on. Get involved in an area you love.